Focus, focus, focus. The mantra by mentor always gave me - never take your eye off sales. And yet there are so many distractions in the startup bubble of London.
Read MoreI really didn’t think about getting a board until I got into my first accelerator and was told that I should start to build a board. My instinct told me it was a little bit early - but who was I to know as this was my first company. So while in the accelerator I met lots of mentors and people wanting to help - when I started to mention I was building a board - lots more people jumped out of the cupboard. This included someone who wanted to charge £30k a year for sitting on my board.
Read MoreI love sloths and I love software. I especially love selecting my stack. This is what I used over the last 6 years growing Insane Logic.
Read MoreLike a hummingbird we move frantically from one task to another acting as a catalyst for growth in our businesses. Some days the enormity of what we have to do to get something moving to the next stage is overwhelming. It almosts freezes you in inertia. Then when we have a little "success" the expectations raise and we have further to fall. Why do we do this to ourselves?
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I'm always happy to help others and share my experiences but it seems the number one question always seems to be about raising investment.
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